Monday, May 09, 2011


The light filtered in through the crack in the doorway caused by the door being left ajar; tiny odd shaped shadows cast by the weeping flakes of paint that had begun their descent and peeled towards the floor.

The handle no longer served the purpose it was initially designed for, and the hinges, now stiffened with age and immobility, caused a screeching sound that rendered a deafening crescendo that shattered the peaceful and dusty silence that hung so gloomily this windswept night.

The broken pane of glass in the window, allowed the moonlight to play an opera of glowing colours on the termite ridden floorboards, dancing around as the window swayed to and fro with the motion heralded by this tempestuous zephyr.

A footstep on the stair breaks the bleakness to which he become accustomed; the creak of the timber ekes splinters like shattering glass and providing injury sustainable to the closeness of death.

A fickle heart begotten of pain thus causing such unerringly bereft of compassion - ever -changing - leaving destruction in its wake. Oh! Where..................?

Another footstep; the squeal of a bat, in the night, flies into a thicket of trees, crashing to the ground as it's automatic radar malfunctions and turns killer to its participant!

The wind whistles above in the attic, rattling the rafters and sending families of destitute rodents scurrying for cover; the dust is swept up and dispersed in a cloud through the shattered ceilings, therein raining down like a hailstorm, before settling gently on the floor. A noise outside disturbs the stillness that disguises all of the real horrors, hiding them like a blanket covering the world; a clattering garbage pail topples over as a feline hunter stalks its prey and almost achieves the kill!

There, alone in the translucent parody of real life - just, neophyte as such and apprehensive to the necromancy of love;

Another step, closer. Closer, closer; the hinge moved slightly, creaking; the handle squeezed, so cold, glinting in the sharp moonlight illuminums.

Then, realisation. Awakening eyes, searching, scanning, fingers touching, feeling like a blind man would, then, nothing. A river of emptiness comes flooding, filling the thus revealed, then, she was gone, like the night when the morning sun breaks over yonder horizon. And he was, so sad....

© tcmoon 2010 (1992)


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