Monday, May 09, 2011

We Must Change...

The world, not just the planet, is evolving and we, and by we, I mean mankind, have to evolve or at least, change with it or be left behind in some unsolicited void of under achievement and a wastrel's existence.

All the lessons are there for us to be educated with, by and we must take hold with both hands. If we are to exist further in this place we call life, we must accept the changes, run with them and ensure everyone, EVERYONE takes advantage.

The future is and remains so, unseen, no matter what psychics and others of their ilk say. We can predict the future but only if we are there alongside ensuring the roads we follow are the roads we have chosen.

That the choices we make have indeed been, our choices. Everyone must be educated. Not just the so called three 'R's but in every aspect of life, moreso the simple condiment of society and the integration, acceptance and ongoing fellowship of society in it's entirety.

Mankind and Mother Nature are transient opposites. We, colloquially, have the notion that the planet and indeed Mother nature, have all the resources needed to ensure that mankind survives as the prominent 'intelligence' on the planet Earth.

How many agree? I would hazard a guess at, not that many. We look at global warming from two aspects on the spectrum, one being that is 'we' who have, and are creating the warming of the planet, while on the other hand, there are others who say the planet warming is a matter of course in the evolutionary cycle of life itself.

In my own opinion, both are right. The evolutionary cycle will continue to evolve, as it has done for billions of years, a time that despite all the scientific approaches and resolutions, we can never imagine, nor grasp such a concept in or one such a time scale.

By blaming ourselves we go someway to creating a guilt complex across the board in which mankind pledges to change their concept of living and as thus, lessens mankind's impact on the warming issue and therefore resolve some of that self guilt.

Would it make any difference if everyone stopped using cars or electricity, in fact, all power energy? Would it make a difference if we all ensured not to create so much waste? Who can answer? All we can do is hazard a guess and we'd probably still be wrong.

But, the energy issue won't happen overnight. People have become dependent on energy. I'm no different nor claim to be. I'm using electricity by writing this on my computer...

Mother Nature is in a destructive cycle. We cannot alter that, we don't have either the power or the knowledge.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, drought are all ensuing and killing mankind indiscriminately. I say this because, like it or not, these disasters seem to occur in the more densely populated areas of the planet. In that concept, mankind can and must change. To save lives.

But mankind, in his torrential thirst for progress continues to build in areas subject to regular earthquakes. To hurricanes and tornadoes, for goodness sake; We build and live beneath volcanoes, somehow assured that there'll be no eruptions this side of the new millennium. Perhaps good sales talk but certainly not true simply because, we just don't know.

It is now I come to the part for which I originally began to write; teaching our children, for the future.

I read in one weekend's newspapers that, in Afghanistan, girls are prone to acid attacks and sometimes death because they wish to go to school or in the very least, be educated. Now while I'm not telling nations how they should be ongoing in there respective cultures, I do see a problem with the education of children. And that ALL children have a distinct and utter human right to be educated. If they don't then the future of the world, indeed, the survival of mankind is simply scattered to the winds.

To be able to build a certain future for our children, ALL our children, those children need to be educated, not, as I said earlier, on just the three 'R's but in life itself.

The Afghanistan example is exactly that, just an example but to a modern world, that kind of treatment is no longer acceptable, mostly because of communication. Or non-communication as it stands.

When we were all young, children, not many of us cared for much about what went on around the world just as long as it didn't interfere in ours, encroach our borders of relative safety, our 'cocoon' if you like.

There was no internet, no mobile phones, no computers. The only news we ever saw was what was allowed to be broadcast on TV and even then it seemed unreal when we saw some events in the world. But that would have been, in most families, how the parents wanted it to be, to keep their children unafraid and live their lives, as children do, in a proper and deserved childhood.

That doesn't happen now. Children grow up far too quickly. They are exposed to the world they live in and ride on the cusp of the oblivion that could befall them, and us, at any moment.

I remember learning about the two World Wars as a child. I never envisaged it ever occurring again because my parents and grandparents said it wouldn't happen again. They would, that was their job. And as children we knew they'd always be there to help us and keep us safe.

I was a child with an avid imagination and learning about the world fascinated me. But I was always fearful whenever the word 'nuclear' was used and in whatever concept.

This was a real fear and all we were taught or gleaned information about it, was that it would end the world and killing everyone in one fell swoop. As I grew I learned and understood more and accepted it easier.

Children these days seem oblivious to what could happen. That's not always a bad thing, but they still need to be educated on, for example, a nuclear war, because of how to avoid it and, anything leading up to it as the Cold War will have taught a lot of us.

We don't trust each other. We don't trust anyone, sometimes with damned good reasoning but we, mankind, should all take a step back and look at what we are doing to ourselves. The end of the world scenario isn't such a fantasy in which Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger will jump to our defence and be all time heroes, real world champions. Hollywood takes care of that but has no bearing on the real outcome is such a conflict should ever rise.

As the planet begins it's natural changes, mankind will, to some extent, fall foul or see the change. It's not happening in a few days, months or possibly even years, it is a progression. But, a lot of our children, and theirs, will see the changes and maybe even fall foul of them.

That's why today, children NEED to be educated. It isn't a whimsy or even a storm in a teacup, it is a reality that none of us can escape from, as real as life itself, our lives...

In what is titled 'The Third World', there is real cause for concern inasmuch as the Third World has practically all of the victims and almost every disaster that occurs around the planet.

Floods and earthquakes occur regularly and add to the already abject poverty by which these people are stricken. Sure, charities are there, digging in, trying to help while we all at home, chuck a few quid or dollars their way and ease our consciences by insisting to ourselves that we have, done our bit.

But it is never enough nor will it ever be. These places are some the most afflicted places on the planet and with all the riches that corporations and governments have piled up in bank vaults, no let up is in sight.

Charities are, mostly working alone. And suffering too. People, volunteers mostly have gone into these stricken areas and end up losing their lives, just for wanting to a bit to ease the suffering of million souls who have never had the opportunity to help themselves.

Your child could be the genius that changes the future for the better. To achieve such a status, maybe, parents today should be setting out their stalls to which the children will roll on from and create a new prospective AND prospectus which will enable the future generation(s) to, to use a cliche, 'save the world from ourselves'...

I leave the rest up to you...

© tcmoon 2011


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