Monday, May 09, 2011

If You're An Elvis Fan, Read This...

In the 30 years since the passing of possibly or arguably, the greatest musical icon to have ever lived, we have seen a change in popular music tho’ perhaps Elvis would never have envisaged let alone touted alongside. But then again….

As each generation grew and matured somewhat, tastes often changed and gave rise to many new genres. Just as Elvis was a completely new concept in the mid-50’s, so we see and have seen, similar ground breaking acts dotted in and around the global music charts.

Just as Elvis shocked and stunned an unsuspecting world, so too have some modern performers, which can only be good with the diversity of the music purchasing young.

Elvis did, in effect, bridge the divides of society. He brought together the chasm of race with his own style of gospel and blues, which at that time was resonant only within the realms of Afro-American artists. And he instilled and implemented rock and roll, making fans from all corners of society, the younger members at least. Elvis awoke a ‘sleeping giant’ and then became synonymous within it. Parents of the day with all their, what they believed, generalist misgivings, were appalled. Maybe rightly or wrongly, but the kids loved it!

And nothing much has changed in all reality. Today we see and hear artists such as Eminem, who for the most part, may seem coarse, rude even with defamatory lyrics littered with profane expletives and rightly so, not palatable to today’s parents, the adults of yesteryear. But Eminem has also bridged that same race gap by performing what is, primarily at least, black cultural music. In a different era he has struck out just as Elvis did all those years before.

My parents, just as many of yours were probably, teenagers or early twenty-somethings when Elvis boarded the bus to world musical history. Just as I was a parent moreorless force-fed the wily talents of Eminem and other artists like Ice T and Puff Daddy as he was once known, now just Diddy. So, to that effect I wasn’t really any different to my grandparents with the onslaught of a new conceptualised form of popular music.

But, one supposes, we of a certain generation, or even such a generation, have seen so many changes since Elvis first stepped into limelight and altered the face of rock and popular music for all time, that it was, and is somehow, now, more easily accepted. Now we see so many differing genres of music vying for the mantel of success and it seems we are now, really, spoiled for choice.

And no matter your opinion, bigoted or whatever, it WAS Elvis, the King, the Legend, who has made it ALL possible. And I don’t say that just because I am a fan…

John Lennon was famously quoted (and again and again now) as saying “before Elvis, there was nothing…” no-one can really discount that claim, hard as some have tried. The fact remains that Elvis WAS the catalyst to most of what we hear today.

The Fifties had it’s own styles. The Sixties created a, somewhat new, concept. The Seventies defied logic (and fashion it is said) brought it’s very own culture. As a teenager of the Seventies, that was, to all intents and purposes, MY decade.

The Eighties diversified and the Nineties struck out with a brand new trail. The onset of the 21st century sees shoulder to shoulder jostling, many styles, different genres, almost all successful. But, just like Elvis in the Fifties, new artists are making their play, the only difference being, almost all are acceptable to one or more regions of society. Elvis appealed to the young. The elder generation didn’t like it. Music today appeals to young and old. Is that such a bad thing.

But, no matter what, just like the word ‘Blackpool’ in a stick of candy rock, Elvis’ name, achievements, social standing, music and persona, remains an ever present constant running through the candy rock stick of life. And he was so loved and still loved.

Since Elvis’ much, much too early release in 1977, the Elvis fan base continues to grow insurgently, blossoming with older fans and brand new fans alike. It’s probably true that, since his demise, more have bought into the Elvis phenomenon, inquisitive enough to find out what the ‘spark’ is, what draws so many people together across the
airwaves. And, once an Elvis fan, ALWAYS an Elvis fan. No Elvis fan has ever been guilty of ‘signing out’ or giving up their ‘season ticket’. One doesn’t simply ‘go off’ Elvis, you just die.

In todays popular culture, music artists rise and fall, many never heard of again. Elvis was a lasting adoration. You didn't have to love Elvis to love his music, but mostly, in general, it always came down to that. For many, once an Elvis song has been auralated to your brain, there was never any going back. You were 'hooked'. It has been said that everyone, that's everyone, has a favourite song. There are enough to go round and none of us mind sharing...

We have all witnessed the rise of new artists. We’ve been unfortunate enough to have witnessed their demise too, a fall in popularity, loss of the talent someone was persuaded they had. I believe Elvis would have been appalled by some of the rock star attitudes personified by wannabe celebrities and what they get up to in the name of fame. Fair to say, Elvis wasn’t totally innocent but he always had humility, honour, humanity and honesty. He didn’t need to BE a headline, he WAS a headline. Just for breathing. For opening his eyes in the morning. And for all of his foibles and problems, we as fans loved him. We STILL love him. I guess that’s something that will never change. All say aye.

Elvis wasn’t nor isn’t just special, extraordinary, a legendic icon poring star quality, ultimate performer. He was and is much more. Everything.

We outside of the USA weren’t privileged to have had Elvis perform for us on our home soil. I think we’re all aware of the reasons why. But for those in America and those who managed to travel to see his performances, were privileged. I myself had arranged a trip for the spring/summer of 1978. irony has nasty edge when alerted.

Nor was Elvis was of those ‘phone in sick’ performers as we have seen with modern ‘stars’, or to me, minor celebs looking for a meal ticket, those who believe their over hyped agency publicity, craw about.

Elvis was undoubtedly, a people person. Aside from his family, no-one but no-one was more important to Elvis than the fans. Fans who went to see him perform. Fans who stood at the music gates of Graceland hoping to catch a glimpse and often did. Fans who parted with their hard earned to take a piece of Elvis home with and keep forever more.

Elvis knew who made him a star and instead of acting like some performers do today, he was humble in appreciation.

Some of today’s performers would do well to adopt some of Elvis’ values. I mean, who do some of them think they are? Drunk or drugged up on stage? What’s that all about? Elvis was never happier than when he was performing. Performing was his drug. And that’s why we as fans love him.

And he never whinged about fans invading his space. Not ever as far as I know. And even when he really was so ill, he STILL performed, as in the Indianapolis* concerts of May or June of 1977. a few weeks before his death. The ultimate performer!*(Correct me if I’m wrong).

In today’s political climate and run around that sees and has seen music artists, actors and sports stars getting involved in politics, serving as Governors and even a President as well as wannabe presidents, Elvis would easily have achieved that goal, had he so wished. The election result would be unanimous.

Today it pleases me to see more and more youngsters enlisting in the Elvis army of fans. He was and remains so, extra-special. I hear, on occasion, those who feel they have some right to put down Elvis and all he stood for as well as his music, forget that even some of the mediocre music they feel is far and above anything Elvis ever did, would probably never have evolved had Elvis not come along when he did. Elvis broke away from the regimented normalcy and brought out what every kid had ever dreamt about in secret.

As I said about youngsters coming to the fore now, kids of 9, 10,12 15. They have no real idea of Elvis, just the concept and yet they have taken Elvis to their hearts. I thinks that is brilliant and we should nurture these upcoming fans because when we've all shaken the mortal coil, it will be these kids that will keep Elvis alive. As long as he is loved he will never be dead.

As music has evolved, in most genres, Elvis led and Elvis leads. Always. Don’t mourn that Elvis had died, celebrate that he lived. I’m sure that’s how he want us to remember him, our King, our legend. Our Elvis.

I love Elvis. There is no defining option, it just is. And don’t criticise me for my opinion. Although there is very little music I don’t like, I wouldn’t tell you not to listen….

Besides, criticising Elvis would be like telling the farmer whose cows give you milk not to milk them anymore…

Elvis gave YOU music.

© tcmoon 2011


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